The stories of Gettysburg told from a new perspective.
The town of Gettysburg and the people who lived there before, during, and after the Civil War are often overshadowed by the notorious battle that took place at its crossroads. In an effort to preserve and share the stories of the community, the Beyond the Battle Museum provides visitors the opportunity to experience significant moments in the town’s history from the perspective of those who lived through them. Relative Scale created two immersive audio experiences for the museum that help share the townspeople’s stories and historical accounts in unique and unexpected ways.
The Caught in the Crossfire immersive audio and lighting presentation is recognized as the museum’s signature experience. Visitors gather inside a fully-enclosed, reconstructed farmhouse where they can experience the Battle of Gettysburg from the perspective of one local family.
A powerful 11.2 audio mix, choreographed with rattling floorboards and lighting effects, takes visitors on a multi-sensory journey. As visitors enter the space, they hear the family members seeking safety in the cellar below as sounds of the approaching battle slowly build outside. The chaos grows and intensifies as the battle reaches the town, allowing visitors to see, hear, and feel what it was like for the citizens of Gettysburg to be overrun by invading forces.
"A visceral experience.”
-Ken Burns

In the Colonial Conversations Tavern, guests are transported back to colonial America in a scenic recreation of Samuel Gettys’ Tavern, a setting that would eventually help develop the town of Gettysburg. Here, an immersive audio experience allows guests to eavesdrop on various conversations taking place throughout the bar where men and women discuss significant issues of the day.

Project Team
Exhibit Design:
HealyKohler Design
Exhibit Fabrication:
1220 Exhibits
AV Integration:
1220 Exhibits
Exhibit Lighting:
Available Light